Ellen Wood • Maruška

About the Art

Working in acrylics, Maruška integrates images of the 5 basic shapes of Sacred Geometry: spiral, straight line, square, circle and triangle into her pieces. Her artworks are representational as well as abstract.

Her muse insists she put a heart in each of her paintings. Maruška often works on 2 or 3 pieces at a time, working every space minute she can find now. She enjoys showing her art, meeting collectors, and her studio has been a popular stop on the Questa Art Tour for the last few years.

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Ellen dabbled with art in her 20’s but did not have the confidence to pursue her talent then. After several decades as a professional and a mother, she was faced with early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Ellen reversed this predilection with a program begun in 2004 of daily practices that she shares in two award-winning volumes of “The Secret Method for Growing Younger.”

She offers a FREE mp3 sample of her Affirmations CD to listen to often, just send a request to ellen@howtogrowyounger.com.

It was in 2020, during Covid, that she returned to painting and has painted every day since.


Ellen Wood
Questa, NM

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