Questa Creative Council

Home of the Questa Art Tour

Current Projects

Let's play with clay! Part of our Art-for-All series. On Thursdays 5 to 9 pm.
August 9-10, 2025, save the dates! With over 45 artists showing their wares, we are the first tour of the season in northern New Mexico, now in its 10th year!
This Art and Wine Festival, June 13-15, 2025, in neighboring Red River will highlight Questa artists!
Our History Trail reveals a microcosm of northern NM history along its .6m trail, with great views and information signage along the way.
A directory of area artists with images and contact info.
Wide ranging multi-generational classes and workshops, held at the Youth Center next to Questa Library.
Hosted in intimate unique venues, these events honor the history of musical gatherings and community
It's a bright and festive holiday celebration of talent with local art and crafts, foods, community warmth, and good will. Usually on the 2nd Saturday in December.
Art supplies for area kids add to the holiday spirit, distributed for free at Questa library.


Banners displays the artwork of local artists and craftspersons, very colorfully!
Handmade wood carving by local artisans

Past Projects

May 26, in Red River! Artists, challenge yourselves to create in a short time frame, and be amazed! Cash prizes & art show reception.
A Valentine concert of desserts with live cello & piano
Musician and Costilla native Chris J. Arellano directs this initiative, funded by a New Mexico Arts CARES grant.
These retrospective pieces will provide opportunities to celebrate, reengage with, reflect on and learn from the many featured and contributing artists.
Four days of open painting, workshops and demos, a Quick-Draw event, and a concluding Art Show with awards and prizes.